MISA Zimbabwe also urges the government to accelerate the digitisation process which is
reportedly being stalled by foreign currency challenges by duly allocating the required funds for
completion of the project which is now long overdue.

The year under review was a mixed bag of progress on one hand and retrogression on the other
Progress can be measured in the context of the gazetting of the Freedom of Information
Regulations and the licensing of more community radio stations.
As mentioned earlier in this report, are the commendable and encouraging steps taken by the
government towards complying with the High Court orders which goes a long way in enhancing
citizens’ right to relevant information on the Covid-19 pandemic.
This is in line with the requisite standards for the provision of access to information on Covid-19
to ensure members of the public make informed decisions to protect themselves from the virus.
However, the clawback provisions in the Data Protection Act, risk eroding the gains made through
the enactment of the Freedom of Information Act and undermine citizens’ right to free expression
online and ultimately access to information for informed decisions and choices.
In that regard, the government should be guided by the findings of the courts which struck down
the criminal offence of publication of falsehoods (criminal defamation) to avoid costly
constitutional court challenges against such provisions.
The other major issue that needs sober consideration is the Private Voluntary Organisations (PVO)
Amendment Bill. As highlighted earlier, in its current status, the Bill poses the greatest risk to
Zimbabwe’s democratic credentials.
The government should also seize the opportunity of the proposed Broadcasting Services
Amendment Bill to come up with a democratic broadcasting regulatory framework that allows for
a free, independent, diverse and sustainable broadcasting industry.


Select target paragraph3