Internet access/Governance
Internet access and affordability in Zimbabwe remains a critical issue. This needs to be addressed
particularly for purposes of promoting universal access to the internet for all and for purposes of
promoting digital inclusion in line with African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms.
The continued increase in prices of data tariffs experienced during the course of 2021 only serves
in widening the digital divide hence the need for urgent interventions.
Internet access is crucial for e-learning, marketing purposes, access to Covid-19 related
information and the performance of other sectors, including the media, in seeking, receiving and
disseminating information.
Contrary to sentiments that Zimbabwe’s prices are actually lower than in many other countries in
the region, Zimbabwe’s prices are actually higher from a contextual perspective.
Unlike with other countries that are using their own currencies, Zimbabweans are largely
transacting in United States dollars at a time when the general cost of living is actually high.
According to the ZIMSTATS’ statistics released in September 2021, an average family needs
ZWL 28 405.98 (USD326 at official rate) per month for food, yet the average monthly income is
Internet access then becomes a luxury.
Appreciating the prevailing realities of the consumers is quite critical, especially when it pertains
to internet access, which as it stands, only an elite few can afford.
This does not take away the prevailing economic realities that players in the telecommunications
industry are facing hence the need for realistic interventions that strike a balance between business
and human rights.
This includes facilitating infrastructure sharing in the telecommunications industry and reviewing
policies to ensure that there is ease of doing business as well as a conducive environment for new


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