Media government relations
The Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa,
has continued to avail herself together with officials from her ministry for engagements as the
country continues to forge ahead with its media law and policy reforms.
In cases where she could not be available due to other official engagements, she has demonstrated
her commitment to continuously engage on media-related issues by seconding her Deputy,
Honourable Kindness Paradza.
These interactions and engagements have ensured that the nation is kept abreast on progress or
lack thereof, pertaining to the media law reform processes more so as it pertains to the outstanding
issue of the proposed gazetting of the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill and co-regulation
of the media as mentioned earlier in this report.
This has also ensured that issues on the need for comprehensive media reforms remain on the
For instance, during the year under review, government continuously reiterated its commitment to
co-regulation of the media as well as providing updates on the status of the proposed Broadcasting
Services Amendment Bill.
This makes it easy to hold the government to account in terms of progress being made through
further engagements and follow-ups in that regard.

Regrettably, this has not generally been the case with the Ministry of Information Communication
Technology, Postal and Courier Services, where it pertains to engagements on issues pertaining to
the internet regulatory framework, internet access and affordability, internet rights and freedoms,
in Zimbabwe.


Select target paragraph3