Econet Wireless chief executive officer Tito Mboweni says his company has invested $1 billion since 2008.
A 2013 survey by the Mass Public Opinion Institute, nine out of 10 youths in a country of 13 million people,
have access to cellphones. In addition, the country’s three major mobile service providers, Econet, NetOne
and Telecell, are now also offering mobile money services, which makes it easier to transact without the
high charges and red tape endured at banks.

v Way Forward in 2014
Ø Zimbabwe should move swiftly in aligning the media laws, policy and regulatory frameworks with
the new constitutional dispensation and the regional and international instruments that it is a state
party or signatory to.
Ø Repealing of laws such as criminal defamation and presidential insult laws is of imperative urgency
given the new constitutional dispensation and the African Commission on Human and Peoples
Rights’ Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information Advocate Pansy
Tlakula’s push for the decriminalisation of free speech.
Ø The government should deal with perpetrators of media violations and ensure the greatest safety
and security of journalists conducting their lawful professional duties.
Ø Supporters of political parties should be educated that the harassment, assault and unlawful
arrests of journalists constitute serious violation of journalists’ constitutional right to media freedom
and citizens’ right to freedom of expression and access to information.
Ø On the other hand, professionalisation of the media industry should address issues of knowledge,
skills and ethics in the media industry by media practitioners, managers and owners to foster
media accountability to the public.
Ø Publishers and media professional bodies such as the Zimbabwe Union of Journalist (ZUJ) should
agree on a framework that addresses the working conditions of journalists and other media
workers in general.
Ø The recognition of self regulatory mechanisms such as the VMCZ will increase its effectiveness in
promoting media professionalism and ethics.
Ø The Broadcasting Services Act (BSA) which established BAZ, should be repealed to allow for a
new and converged independent regulatory framework that establishes a clear separation of
powers between government, regulators and service providers.
Ø The ZBC Commercialisation Act should equally be repealed and replaced with a new act that
secures its governance, managerial and editorial independence as provided for under the new
Ø In equal vein, the Zimbabwe Mass Media Trust should be reconstituted to cushion Zimpapers from
political interference.
v Conclusion

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