Zimbabwe’s plans on Internet Governance


Ministry of ICTs, Postal and Courier
Services Principal Director

maturity as experienced in advanced economies correlates with an increase
in real per capita GDP of US$500 on average.

• The future of Zimbabwe’s Internet Ecosystem is very bright owing to the fact
that Zimbabwe is part of the global village where information
communication technologies (ICTs) are rapidly developing making
communication between and among individuals in and around the globe,
easier, faster and more efficient. With the growth of the internet in
Zimbabwe, interaction among friends, family members and business
communities has drastically improved.

• In embracing these opportunities, the government of Zimbabwe is aware of
the need to come up with robust measures to address the various threats
and risks to national and citizens security and privacy that the internet
brings with it.

• The internet has transformed the way Zimbabweans work, socialise, create
and share information and organise the flow of people, ideas and things.
With rapid internet infrastructural development, there has been
commendable growth in e-services and social network applications that
consumers have fully embraced. These services and applications range from
e-learning, e-business, mobile money transfer, mobile wireless broadband,
WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Skype, among others.

• Government and involved stakeholders must strive to develop and nurture a
healthy internet ecosystem that boosts infrastructure, access and a
competitive environment that benefits consumers. This environment
should allow innovators and entrepreneurs to nurture human capital and to
thrive in their investments.

• Owing to the growth and development of the internet, Zimbabwe now has
an information economy which depends on the production, use and
purchase of information, knowledge and technology in one form or the
other. The government of Zimbabwe recognises the need to harness this

• Through the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Social Economic
Transformation (Zim-ASSET), government has identified ICTs and
infrastructure as one of its key result areas. The Ministry’s vision is to have a
knowledge- based society that has ubiquitous internet connectivity by the
year 2020; thereby connecting citizens
anywhere, anytime and anyhow regardless of
their geographic location or economic status in
• Government is spearheading the development of
communications infrastructure by State Owned
Enterprises (SOEs) and players in the private

Practical actions being undertaken by the government


• This saw the completion of connection to undersea
cables through neighbouring Mozambique,
South Africa and Botswana. Currently, the focus is on connecting the whole
country to the fibre link. This is aimed at high internet bandwidth;
improving regional and global communication; matching global standards;

development as research has shown a correlation between maturity of the
internet ecosystem and rising living standards. The increase in internet


In the year 2009, the government and some
private players embarked on the development of
fibre optic infrastructure for broadband
connectivity which has seen it facilitate the
deployment of fibre optic links to the country’s
major cities in accordance with the National
Communication Fibre Optic Backbone Plan.



MISA Zimbabwe

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