Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.8 (2005 = 1.1; 2007 = 1.2; 2009 =1.1)

The editorial independence of the state/public
broadcaster from political influence is guaranteed by
law and practised.
Editorially, the ZNBC is not independent from political interference. This is
despite the fact that the law guarantees editorial independence under the ZNBC
Amendment Act of 2002, which states, under point 34, that the ZNBC must
“implement the editorial policies of the Corporation and maintain editorial
The institution is currently under the control of the Minister of Information
and Broadcasting Services and not a board at this point. Even once a board is
appointed, according to the ZNBC Amendment Act of 2010, these appointments
will be made by the minister. The ZNBC Amendment Act of 2002 also states
under point 4 (3) that people will only qualify to be appointed to the board if they
are “committed to fairness, freedom of expression, openness and accountability”.
“It is well known that after the ZNBC sub-editors have agreed on the line-up for
the evening’s news, it is passed on to senior management and then the Permanent
Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services, who has the
power to change the order or remove any items.”
Mention was made of a senior news manager and a commissioning editor at the
ZNBC who have been fired in the past two years for choosing footage that did not
put the ruling party in a favourable light. It is also known that the ZNBC will not
screen programmes produced, for example, by civil society organisations, if they
are in any way critical of the state or present the opposition in a positive manner.



Select target paragraph3