SECTOR 2 Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 1.8 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 2009 = 2.3) 2.8 All media fairly reflect the voices of society in its ethnic, linguistic, religious, political and social diversity. There are 45 languages in Zambia8, including English but excluding numerous localised dialects. The media, especially the print media, tend not to reflect this linguistic diversity. All mainstream newspapers and magazines are published in English. ZANIS has printed free, vernacular-language newspapers in the past, but these are not regular publications. The state’s ZNBC has three radio stations: Radio 1 broadcasts in the seven main vernacular languages spoken in the country’s nine provinces; Radio 2 is in English; and Radio 4, the entertainment channel, broadcasts in English, although both local and foreign music are played. ZNBC TV and the private, commercial television stations broadcast in English only, except for the ZNBC TV’s brief daily news broadcast from 5pm in the seven local languages. Community and religious radio stations are more representative of local languages and tend to broadcast in the main regional language of the area, as well as in English, while most commercial and educational radio stations broadcast in English. Politically, the ruling MMD party gets the most coverage, followed by the opposition Patriotic Front, and smaller parties are sidelined. 8, accessed on 30 August 2011 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER ZAMBIA 2011 35