Protection of sources is guaranteed by the Social
Communication law. Despite this guarantee,
however, journalists can be jailed for providing
government administrative documents as
evidence in court because such documents can
be considered as violating rules of administrative
secrecy and confidentiality. When it comes to
press offences, the burden lays on the journalist
– not his/her accuser – to prove the truthfulness
of the information published or broadcast. A
panellist remarked that: “Cameroon has the
tendency of having legal provisions hidden in
other texts or pieces of legislation that a judge
can use at anytime to condemn a journalist or

« Cameroon has the
tendency of having legal
provisions hidden in
other texts or pieces of
legislation that a judge
can use at anytime to
condemn a journalist or
citizen. »

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

2.5 (2008 = 1.9)

Government makes every effort to honour
regional and international instruments on freedom of
expression and the media.
Cameroon has not ratified many international and regional protocols on freedom
of expression and media, such as the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and
Governance, and the Florence Protocol. The latter advocates for the exoneration of
taxes on media inputs such as newsprint, but advocacy by media organisations has
failed to convince the government to ratify the Protocol. Many printing presses
- most notably Macacos, a Catholic-run press that prints more than 75% of the
country’s newspapers - often complain of punitive taxes and inhibitive customs
duties on imported newsprint. Some international and regional instruments such
as the Windhoek and Bamako Declarations do not constitute legally binding
instruments, and panellists were of the understanding that the government was
not obliged to respect them.



Select target paragraph3