Positive developments in the media over the past
two to three years:


There are more training opportunities available to journalists of the public
and private media. Most of the training is organised by international media
and advocacy organisations. Many media organisations are taking the issue of
training seriously, and some have developed in-house mentoring programmes
for their staff. The state-owned Cameroon Tribune has signed an agreement
with the Advanced School of Mass Communication to offer continuous
training to its journalists.
Media diversity witnessed a strong push within the last three years with the
concretisation of some online journalism initiatives. There are today more
than half a dozen online publications such as and, and an increasing number of newspapers run
multi-media platforms. Similarly many radio and Television stations run
their own web sites.

Way forward for the Cameroon Media:



The critical issue for the media in Cameroon remains the elimination of
criminal libel, and there is a need for increased and stronger advocacy in this
regard. Furthermore,, the passing of an access to information law and the
implementation of tax breaks on media inputs in keeping with the Florence
Convention are also extremely important.
The Cameroon Union of Journalists (CUJ) needs to be restructured to fully
play its role and reach its potential as an umbrella association for journalists
and journalism associations in Cameroon.
CUJ also needs to set up a self-regulatory body to handle deviant behaviour
in the press. It is important for media professionals themselves to take the
lead in addressing these problems rather than leave them in the hands of
state authorities.
A programme for intensive training needs to be rolled out to raise journalism


The AMB Cameroon Report for 2011 will be launched as a public event,
with members of the panel playing a key role both in its organisation and
presentation. This will be done in collaboration with FES Cameroon. The
report will then be distributed to journalism organisations, civil society
groups, public officials and lawmakers.



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