Calls for assistance in the #Zimbabwe #Cybercrimes draft is evidence that law
enforcement capacity is low - says @tariroshingi #ZIG17

What others said on Twitter
Kudzai M.Mubaiwa‫@ ‏‬kumub- When we talk about access we must move
beyond penetration only and include political and economic access #ZIG17
The Dreamcatcher‫@ ‏‬MissChiMystique- Digital divide becomes wide due to
income levels, rural-urban divide, educated and not so educated- @emigandhi
#ZIG17Kuda T Hove‫@ ‏‬kudathove- @emigandhi now talking about how @
facebook approaches #internet access & connectivity #ZIG17
ZACRAS‫@ ‏‬ZacrasOnline- @JosephBishi Murambinda Works: ICT is not
everything but it comes to harness human interest #ZIG17Tess‫@ ‏‬TakatheresaSylvia of @bustoptv says they bring satire to issues that Zimbabweans aren't
usually keen to talk about online. #ZIG17’
Stash‫@ ‏‬NatashaMsonza- The harmonization of cyberlaws in the region
including definitions of crimes is partly intended to address this says @ottosaki
Cite‫@ ‏‬citezw- Jacqueline Chikakano: The most critical changes on the
Crime and Cyber bill haven't been made #zig17 #Asakhe @ZacrasOnline @
misazimbabwe‫@ ‏‬ThreeMenOnABoat - Good thing that has come from changes
to the Cyber Crime bill is the definition of porn... and criminalisation of revenge
porn #ZIG17
Koliwe Majama‫@ ‏‬koliwemajama- Koliwe Majama Retweeted #FreeVoice
Comedy =@fungaijustbeing just summed it all - it is not about gender but
patriarchy as a system that anyone can practise it- #ZIG17
#FreeVoice Comedy @silviakwin
How do we know that it's men who are victimising women online? @
misazimbabwe @bustoptv @ZimMediaReview #ZIG17 @povonewsafrica @
Lizzabetty Mhangami‫@ ‏‬liznashe- #ZIG17 On #revengeporn "Patriarchy
is an oppressive system largely practiced by men" but women are
#conduitsofpatriarchy @fungaijustbeing
seanndlovu‫@ ‏‬seanndlovu- @NatashaMsonza suggests we lookup & fiddle


Misa Zimbabwe Second Internet Governance Multi
Stakeholder Conference 21 September 2017

Select target paragraph3