a bigger and prominent role and as a result POTRAZ was still the major sponsor of
the Forum’s operations. He did not state the possible reasons why private sector
players did not participate more readily in ZIGF matters. Mr Zvanjanja did not
proffer suggestions of how the private sector could help fund the ZIGF through
its secretariat POTRAZ. He also did not speak of any potential measures that
might be in place to prevent POTRAZ from acting as a toxic gatekeeper of Internet
Governance issues in Zimbabwe. MISA-Zimbabwe was cited as one of the few
stakeholders from the private sector providing consistent support to the ZIGF. Mr
Zvavanjanja, apologised for their inability to convene a ZIGF2016, but assured the
meeting that the ZIGF would hold a 2-day event in the last quarter of 2017.

Win Mlambo, Deputy Minister of ICT, Postal and Courier Services

Keynote Address:
“Locating Zimbabwe in regional and global Internet
Governance Developments 2015-2017.”
The 2017 Multi-stakeholder IGC keynote address was delivered by the Deputy
Minister of ICT, Postal and Courier Services, Win Mlambo. His presentation
was entitled “Locating Zimbabwe in regional and global Internet Governance
Developments 2015-2017.” The Deputy Minister outlined the role the Zimbabwean
government plays in Internet Governance, as well as in the regulation of the
information communications technology space. He emphasised that the
government was mindful of the fact that ICT and an accessible Internet was a
key driver of economic growth, hence the prioritisation of ICT infrastructure in
government policy blueprints such as ZIMASSET.


Misa Zimbabwe Second Internet Governance Multi
Stakeholder Conference 21 September 2017

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