Poor working conditions are generally blamed for the rampant corruption in the
media. “The system has created the environment for journalists to be corrupt,”
said one panellist. Journalists and NGOs have been advocating better working
conditions in the industry for years. State media journalists go on strike often to
demand better pay and the “monetisation” of benefits such as housing.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.3 (2008 = n/a)

Media professionals have access to training
facilities offering formal qualification programmes as
well as opportunities to upgrade skills.
Almost all the major state and private universities, as well as the polytechnics,
have journalism departments which attract tens of thousands of students every
year. An increasing number of privately run post-secondary institutions also offer
formal journalism training across the country. With the advent of the Internet,
distance learning and online training has also become more accessible.
Journalists also have numerous opportunities for on-the-job training both at home
and abroad. Media houses run in-house training and mentoring programmes.
Some, like the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and the Nigerian
Television Authority (NTA) run well-established training institutions, primarily
for in-house training of their staff, They are, however, increasingly taking in
journalists from other newsrooms. Some journalists are enrolled in schools as
part-time students. NGOs also conduct regular training workshops for working
journalists, who also have numerous opportunities to grow their experience
through seminars, workshops and fellowships. So many opportunities abound,
that one panellist believed that “it is difficult to find a journalist who has worked
for four years without undergoing some kind of training.”



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