An analysis of Social Media use
in The SADC region - 2014 - 2020

Thirdly, the total cost of mobile ownership (TCMO)212 in the region is also high as shown in figure 19
Figure 19: Total cost of mobile ownership

Source: Own chart from GSMA 213 data

Analysis214 of the Low basket (500 MB) for countries in the region shows that in 2016 the TCMO represented on average 10% of monthly income in countries where data is available. However, for those
in the bottom 40% income group, the average share of income is 25% and reaches as high as 68% in
the DRC. To put this in context with more mature mobile markets, the equivalent share of TCMO in
income for a selection of Western European countries is 0.7% for the bottom 40% income groups and

212 Summary of monthly usage baskets used for calculation of TCMO : GSMA :
214 ibid


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