An analysis of Social Media use
in The SADC region - 2014 - 2020

The influence of social media on politics is also
seen in its use to spread propaganda and in one
Zimbabwean newspaper it was reported that
the President ‘unleashed’ ZANU PF youths to
dominate social media.182 During the 2018 elections, Zimbabwe witnessed what can be rightly
termed an online war between varakashi183 and
the nerrorists184 characterized by the spread of
propaganda to support one’s political party and
discredit opposition. 185

campaigns 2017 to 2019187, as shown figure 12
Figure 12: Social media manipulation

Furthermore, according to remarks by
Zimbabwe information Minister,186
“We have also seen, especially during important events
such as national elections or crises, social media being used
to attack sovereignty, national security, promote commotion and violence by whipping emotions mostly through
the dissemination of fake information. Zimbabwe has not
been spared, with social media information being used by
detractors of the State during the general elections of 2018
to spread falsehoods that had potential to cause national

Social media manipulation
during elections
There is a significant rise in organized social
media manipulation within the region, for
example there was a 150% the increase in countries using organized social media manipulation

Source: Oxford Internet Institute: Comprop188

Despite there being more social networking platforms than ever, Facebook remains the platform
of choice for social media manipulation. The
2019 Oxford Internet Institute Report found
evidence of formally organized computational
propaganda campaigns on Facebook.
Case of Cyber troops
Cyber troops are defined189 as government or
political party actors tasked with manipulating

183 Varakashi meaning destroyers and referring to supporters of the ruling party ZANU-PF
184 Nerrorists meaning supporters of opposition party named after the leader Nelson Chamisa popularly identified as Nerro
186 Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa remarks while presenting a paper on “Information as
a threat to national security” at the Zimbabwe National Defence University (ZNDU) in Harare, January, 2019.
189 Bradshaw and Howard 2017a.


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