Broadcasting regulation is transparent
and independent; the State broadcaster
is transformed into a truly public
3.1 Broadcasting legislation has been passed and is implemented that provides for a conducive environment
for public, commercial and community broadcasting.
The main laws that regulate the broadcasting sector are the Code of Audiovisual,
Cinematographic and Written Communication, and subsequent texts of the
National Commission of Communication. The code provides for the freedom
of establishment but does not guarantee a favourable environment for the
development of the sector. Most radio and television stations in Gabon were
founded in the 80s and 90s. Since then, almost all the news channels and stations
belong to persons who have links to the Government.
Public broadcasting enjoys certain advantages. To make this sub-sector more
efficient, a recent reform divided the Office of Radio Television of Gabon in three:
Gabon Television, Gabon Radio and Television Broadcasting Gabon. These reforms
were initiated under the leadership of UNESCO. This international organization
has made proposals to transform State radio and television to real public service
radio and television. Among the reforms is the requirement of management
performance and limitation of the interference of the Ministry of Communication.
They provide fixed and renewable five year contracts to the Directors-General in
order to motivate them to work efficiently. But the authorities are still reluctant
to apply these measures.
No law specifically regulates the sub-sector of community radio stations in Gabon.
In reality, there is no community radio in the strict sense of the term. The socalled community radio stations in Gabon are radio stations created by individuals
and in rural areas. Even if they claim to have a vocation of rural and community
development, they are used to accomplish the agendas of their founders and very
often turn into tools of political propaganda.



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