SECTOR 1 In principle, anyone can become a journalist in Gabon. The Code of Communication states that to become a journalist, a person should have two years’ experience in a press institution or a diploma from the School of Journalism. However, the National Commission which issues press identity cards is seen as an obstacle to the free access to the profession. This statutory Commission gives its opinion prior to the issuance of the press identity card by the Minister of Communication. The official press card is often required to cover some public events and its nondetention can be evoked as a reason to deny access to information to journalists. In addition, public authorities have the power to ban or seize newspapers. The law also gives the possibility to the printer or distributor to refuse to print or distribute a newspaper if it deems that the content may jeopardize public order. Gabon is currently developing new legislation to create a freer media environment. In the meantime the current conditions apply. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 2.7 1.4 The Government makes every effort to honour regional and international instruments on freedom of expression and freedom of the media. The Government of Gabon has signed, without however ratifying or transposing into national legislation, the majority of African or international instruments on freedom of expression and of the press. In theory, under international pressure, the Government accepts certain principles and creates commissions to show that “we are on the right track”. But it rarely applies these instruments5, indicated most of the panellists. 5 The panellists were unable to agree on the practice in Gabon regarding the applicability of international instruments in the territory. Some of them believed that these instruments are applicable in an automatic way when they are ratified by Gabon. Others, however, claimed that a prerequisite transposition was needed in the domestic law to become applicable. AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER GABON 2016 69