The tables 02 and 03 above should inform policy on STB distribution and access. There
may be more TVs than recorded in urban areas where you find more than one family sharing
the same house and each family having its TV set. STB distribution must be done quickly so
that most of the viewers have the gadgets in the shortest possible time before the analogue
services are switched off. Dual illumination is a costly exercise , eg it cost Sentech the signal
distribution company in South Africa R150 million per annum to do simulcasting.
Consequently delaying ASO will be costly and undesirable given the country’s constrained resources.


DTT migration in South Africa.

Sentech was mandated by government to begin work on migrating the country’s
broadcasting infrastructure in 2006.


Sentech received R 100 million for the project in 2006


Simulcast or dual illumination commenced in 2006


2009 the broadcasting digital migration policy and implementation plan was
completed. The technical specifications of DTT set top boxes and plan to subsidise 5
million households was put in place


2010 the director general of communications threw confusion to the project by
advocating for change of technology from the European DVB-T standard to the
Japanese ISDB-T standard. There was strong opposition from Sentech and M Net
who had successfully carried out DVB-T trial transmissions to their satisfaction. Going
ahead with adoption of the Japanese standard would throw away all the DVB-T
infrastructure investments that had been put by Sentech and M Net, as well as all the
progress made then to manufacture set top boxes in SA.


In 2011 government confirmed that it was going ahead with DVB-T2 technology. New
standard meant the regulator , Independent Communications Authority of SA ICASA
had to revise the DTT decoder specifications to include DVB-T2 technology.


2010 -2012 Universal Services and Access Agency of SA- USAASA was given R86
million to fund capacity building for the set top box subsidy system.


By end of 2012 Sentech had 63% population coverage of DTT transmission and 25%
geographic coverage.


Some parts of SA have already undergone analogue switch off -ASO. This includes
Square Kilometer Array community in the Nothern Cape and Free State.


Cabinet set july 2020 as date for complete analogue switch off - ASO.
Mnet a private player has already completely switched off analogue transmitters


South Africa’s DTT Project Expenditure 2006-2016
The DTT migration project is one of the largest and most expensive public infrastructure projects ever
undertaken in South Africa. The following is expenditure breakdown of the DTT migration components.

Table 04
South Africa DTT rollout expenditure:
1. Sentech – Signal Carrier


Cost (Rands)


Rolling out digital transmission network


Dual illumination

1.94 billion
330 million


Select target paragraph3