Introduction The international telecommunications union (ITU) set I7 june 2015 as the deadline to switch off analogue TV broadcasting in the UHF band. This was set by ITU member states at the Regional Radio Communications Conference in 2006 known as the GE06 regional agreement. SADC countries gave themselves deadline of june 2013 to migrate to digital transmission to allow each member state to sort out any challenges that might arise from the digital migration process before the june 2015 ITU deadline. The plan was to have dual illumination ie simultaneous transmission of both analogue and digital signals between june 2013 and complete analogue switch off (ASO) date of June 2015. Unfortunately SADC countries spent a lot of time failing to reach consensus on which terrestrial transmission standard to adopt only to agree on DVB-T2 4 standard in 2012 more than six years after the GE06 agreement. SADC still could not reach consensus since Botswana went out of line with the rest of the SADC member states and adopted the Japanese standard, the integrated services digital broadcasting - ISDB –T standard. June 2015 came and passed and very few countries in Africa had migrated to digital terrestrial transmission (DTT). In SADC only Mauritius, Namibia and Tanzania managed to complete the DTT migration and ASO by june 2015. ITU extended the ASO deadline to June 2020 for developing countries. The following is an analysis of progress of DTT migration of Zimbabwe and SADC countries. DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL TELEVISION MIGRATION IN ZIMBABWE - CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES