Subsidised STBs to about 20USD, 4. Zambia 5. Namibia 6. Botswana 7. Swaziland 273 million Secured a loan from China to implement DTT project 25 million Completed DTT migration in 2015 and ASO has been done throughout the country. STBs were heavily subsidised from N$1000 to N$199. Remote areas covered by satellite 19 million No subsidies and no tax relief for STBs. Botswana chose DTT standard different from the rest in SADC. Went along with ISDB-T the Japanese standard . Have challenges of low uptake of STBs due to unexciting content. Has achieved 85% coverage and will cover remote areas using satellite 13 million Swaziland is a small country. Whole country can be covered by a few transmitter sites, Have alreadyachieved ASO. Subsidised STBs by 63%. Having challenges of low uptake of STBs and local content production Table 07 Analogue switch off dates ( ASO) of SADC countries Country Targeted complete ASO date 1. Lesotho completed 2. Malawi completed 3. Mauritius completed 4. Swaziland completed 5. Tanzania completed 6. DRC 2019 7. Zambia 2019 8. SA 2019 15