3.6 The state/public broadcaster is adequately
funded in a manner that protects it from political
interference through its budget and from
commercial pressure
The budget of the CRTV dropped slightly from 27.4 billion in 2017 to 27.2 billion
CFA in 2018 (about 48,000,000,000 to 47,900,000,000 USD). The corporation
draws its revenue from several sources: state subsidies, advertising and taxes.
Audiovisual taxes, deducted directly from workers’ salaries, represent only a
small fraction of the budget. State subventions are sporadic and often intended
to help the corporation cover special events, such as football tournaments,
national day parades and elections. CRTV has thus been under pressure to
increase advertising revenue and has created a subsidiary for assistance – the
CRTV Marketing and Communication Agency.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







2.3 (2008 = n/a; 2011 = 1.0; 2014 = 3.4)

3.7 The state/public broadcaster offers diverse
programming formats for all interests including
local content and quality public interest
The CRTV has a fairly good mix of programming formats such as newscasts,
magazines, debates, talk shows, phone-in’s, entertainment shows, documentaries
and investigations. It also tries to balance national and local content, with
specialised news programmes set aside for local content on radio and TV. In
practice, this has helped enrich its content. Government ministries, the police
and the military run programmes on radio to both inform and educate the public.
Panellists observe that both the quality and diversity of content on the CRTV has
improved over the last few years, particularly with the injection of new journalists
and programme slots. ‘It covers a wider range of subjects and communities than
anyone else,’ observed a panellist.



Select target paragraph3