2.5 Adequate competition legislation/regulation seeks
to prevent media concentration and monopolies
The law tries to restrict media concentrations and monopolies in the private
sector. The Social Communication law of 1990 states that a publisher cannot
own more than three titles. A prime minister’s decree of 2000 regulating private
broadcasting, states that no individual or company can own shares in more than
one broadcasting corporation. However, the decree allows print media publishers
to own shares in broadcasting companies – but limits their ownership to a
maximum of one. The law appears to be more lenient to horizontal concentration
than to vertical concentration. In addition, the law restricts shareholding to
media companies and not media outlets.
In practice, the law is largely ignored. At least two media concentrations are
well-known. The Anecdote Group owns Vision 4 TV, Satellite FM and L’Anecdote
newspaper, while La Nouvelle Expression, Equinoxe TV and Radio Equinoxe
belong to the same owner.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







4.3 (2008 = 2.3; 2011 = 4.5; 2014 = 3.8)

2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent
media outlets
A diverse media landscape has emerged in Cameroon over the last decade,
mainly due to the ease with which newspapers can be created, as well as lax
implementation of the regulations on creating broadcast outlets. Beyond setting
out conditions for creating and running media organisations, panellists did not
think the government plays a role in promoting a diverse media landscape. The
same applied to the promotion of economically sustainable and independent
media outlets. In one panellist’s assessment, authorities allow the existence of
numerous news outlets to give the impression of a thriving industry. In reality,
news organisations are struggling at best. Most private newspapers do not
own their own printing presses and broadcasters lack the means to purchase
equipment to run their facilities.



Select target paragraph3