2.2 Citizens’ access to domestic and international
media sources is not restricted by state authorities
For the first time in the past two years, Cameroon attempted to restrict access
to media sources. Notably, the Southern Cameroons Broadcasting Corporation
(SCBC) was banned from airing in Cameroon for its pro-Anglophone separatists
leaning. Cable and satellite television distributors were arrested and detained
in parts of the north-west region for including the channel in their TV bundles.
Panellists claimed that security forces ransacked homes and destroyed the TV sets
of citizens suspected to be watching SCBC. Even though the SCBC continues to
broadcast from abroad, it is only watched in hiding. Web-based access has also
helped citizens circumvent the government ban.
In the rest of the country, citizens have access to domestic and international
media without restriction. In addition to satellite signals from all over the world,
the British Broadcasting Corporation and Radio France International transmit
locally on FM.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:









3.5 (2008 = 4.7; 2011 = 4.5; 2014 = 3.8)

2.3 The editorial independence of print media
published by a public authority is protected
adequately against undue political interference
Panellists observed that the state-published Cameroon Tribune suffers from
political interference. The Cameroon Tribune’s top management is appointed
by the government and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of
Communication. To illustrate the level of political interference in editorial
decision-making, one panellist said, ’It is common for the newspaper to have its
(own) version of well-known facts.’ The Cameroon Tribune’s management, as
well as its journalists, do not hide the fact that they exist to promote government
actions; this shows in their reporting. ‘Many times, they avoid controversial
stories until a government version is available,’ added another panellist.



Select target paragraph3