income from doing so. Panellists argued that this open definition has caused
an influx of unskilled and unqualified people into the profession. Even though
ideally, entry into the journalistic profession should not be legally restricted,
panellists advocated for more statutory entry restrictions into the profession.
Currently entry into journalism ’is so open that it is a problem,’ said one panellist.
The institution of a government-issued press card was initially seen as a way
to weed out ’bad’ or ‘quack’ journalists. However, the Press Card Commission
and its work have been highly controversial and have been criticised for issuing
cards to the very people that it was required to kick out of the profession. ’The
[government-issued] press card has had no consequence on the practice of
journalism,’ said one panellist. ’Having the press card is not a proof of credibility
or professionalism.’
One panellist alleged that press cards were issued to more than 350 security
operatives pretending to be journalists.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:





3.8 (2008 = n/a; 2011 = n/a; 2014 = 3.3)

1.4 The government makes every effort to honour
regional and international instruments on freedom
of expression and freedom of the media
Cameroon has ratified most regional and international instruments on the
rights to freedom of expression and freedom of the media. Once ratified, these
instruments become applicable in the country. However, ’ratification does not
mean that a convention or treaty would be respected,’ said one panellist.
Panellists were therefore of the view that Cameroon might have taken the
initial steps but does not make every effort to honour regional and international
instruments on freedom of expression. Remarkably, they noted that even though
Cameroon is not a party to the Florence Convention, tax waivers for media
consumables – such as newsprint and ink – have been included in the country’s
Customs Code.



Select target paragraph3