for the alleged mistreatment of workers, the story has mostly stayed out of
the Cameroon media. It is widely believed that the Bollore Group uses both its
influence over public authorities and its advertising power to silence reporting
that is critical of the nature of their operations.
Infringements on freedom of expression take both direct and indirect forms.
Police and prosecutors allegedly use ‘trumped up’ charges to punish citizens on
behalf of the government for the views they hold. ’You could say something
today and the authorities wait even for three years until you have a quarrel with
your neighbour to pounce on you,’ said a panellist. ’You may not be charged
with saying or writing something offensive to the authorities. The dispute is used
as a pretext to punish you for those views.’ Another panellist said that even in
meetings, particularly those called by the government. ’People mind what they
say so that they do not find themselves on the wrong side.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:









2.8 (2008 = 2.6; 2011 = 2.7; 2014 = 3.1)

1.3 There are no laws or parts of laws restricting
freedom of expression such as excessive official
secret, libel acts, legal requirements that restrict
the entry into the journalistic profession or laws
that unreasonably interfere with the functions of
In contradiction to the Constitution, panellists describe a context where numerous
pieces of legislation have been created to restrict freedom of expression in
Most legislative restrictions to freedom of expression are insidious in character.
For example, administrative authorities are empowered to maintain public order;
this power has been repeatedly used to ban demonstrations, protests and press
conferences. The laws, including the Social Communication law of 1990, leave the
notion of public order vague and subject to interpretation which administrative
authorities can invoke it discretionally. In 2015, a press conference on ‘electoral
governance and democratic power change’ was banned in Yaoundé. Authorities



Select target paragraph3