The following questions were sent to the Ministry Environment and Tourism:
1. What is the Ministry’s mandate?
2. There have been instances of killing animals, such as elephants and others in our national parks; what is your office doing to tackle
this problem?
3. What are the strategies put in place by your office to ensure the safety of animals in the national parks and game reserves?
4. Domestic tourism is not so common among many Namibians since most of them do not visit their national parks and tourist sites,
what does your Ministry do to promote domestic tourism?
5. Apart from the issues of poaching, what other critical issues are facing the tourism sector in Namibia?
n = 20





1. Is there an official designated to take and respond to information requests?

Public Relations Officer

2. Did the institution reply within 21 days?


3. Did the institution respond to the request for information?


4. Does the authority publish their procedures for dealing with information


5. Did the institution provide all of the information requested?


6. Did the institution provide written reasons for the refusal of information?


7. Did the institution disclose information about its operations, budgets,
structure etc.


8. Did the authority provide information without questioning the aims and
motivations of the applicant?


9. Did the institution acknowledge your request for information within 7 days?

Additional Information


The PA to the PS
acknowledged our
request for information
the same day. It was
forwarded to the
PRO who has still not
responded 3 weeks later

10. Was the information received clear and understandable?


Total Score: 4/20

8. Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
Category 1: Website
The website is currently ‘under construction,’ stating that the new website will be completed soon. The ACC has a Facebook page which
was self-generated by Facebook. They also do not have a Twitter account. They have a limited virtual presence.
n = 20
1. Does this website contain up to date information?




Additional Information


2. Does the website contain the following:
a) A description of its powers, as well as data on the organisational structure,
the functions, and the responsibilities of the administration?


b) A list of laws, Acts etc. issued within the scope of its powers?


c) Reports, policies, programmes?


d) Budget and expenditure?



Select target paragraph3