The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last two /three years?
Positive developments
• Social media use has grown rapidly in Kenya over the last two years.
The media is adopting this new means of communication. In addition
to websites and Facebook/twitter accounts, some media houses are
beginning to use SMS news alerts to increase reach.
• Media policy improved and the environment more accommodative.
New publications and broadcast services were launched. The coming
of the 2010 Constitution and talks over new legislation promise more
• The media played a positive role in raising public understanding of the
new constitution that was voted in favour during a national referendum
and promulgated in August 2010.
• The emergence of alternative media gave more voice to grassroot
populations and highlighted issues that are often left out in the
mainstream media.
• Investigative journalism became more prominent, featuring in many print
publications and audiovisual services.
• Investment in the media sector increased with additional investments
from politicians and Chinese businessmen.
• The volume of local content increased, including programmes for children
telling their own stories.
• Overall content improved and was more sensitive, especially since the
2008 post-election violence. Truth-metres to check public statements by
politicians became commonplace.
Negative developments
• Many politicians took over media houses and influenced editorial
decision-making processes to promote their agendas;
• Media houses openly took partisan positions on major political and
national issues.
• Media was on trial with the ICC post election violence case that implicated
a journalist.



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