These community news inserts have become so popular that the national
mainstream print media has started assigning the journalists to write specific
stories for their own use.
The Content Centres have also become points of collection where members of
these communities can access free copies of national newspapers, especially those
that talk to their concerns and interests. Are becoming interested in newspapers
have also seen the need to broaden their circulation to parts of the country they
would not normally go to.
Some newspapers, like The Anchor, use alternative networks of circulation to get
their paper to many parts of the community they serve. The paper uses public
transport to deliver newspapers to correspondents or vendors in rural areas.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.1 (2005 = 4.0, 2007 = 2.9, 2009 = 2.7)

2.4 The editorial independence of print media published by a public authority is protected adequately
against undue political interference.
In 1992, the government passed a law which pushed Kenya into a one-party
state. The Kenya Times was born against this backdrop in 1993 supposedly as an
independent ruling party newspaper. But the party and government were one.
When a new government took over and things changed, Kenya Times was
sold off but it could not survive because of its initial reputation as a state-run
publication. Kenya Today was started by the Director of Information in 2009 to
run stories generated by the Kenya News Agency. Again, it was hardly critical of
government and lacked editorial independence. It died in 2011.
Both papers were set up as a response to government “misrepresentation”
in the private independent media. They were created to project government
propaganda, which did not find much space in the independent media.



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