The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
2.1 A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is accessible
and affordable to citizens.
Kenya has seen an increase in the number of print publications and electronic
media since 2009.
Print publications
There are now an estimated six dailies, seven weeklies and scores of regional
newspapers in the country. The introduction of 47 counties in the country’s
devolution reform has increased the number of new publications. However, the
state run Kenya Today was closed recently, partly because of weak funding from
the state and wide ranging operational problems. There are plans to set up a new
state-run publication to replace the paper that used to enjoy immense public
funding and government advertising.
According to various estimates, including publishers and the Audit Bureau of
Circulation, the largest circulating papers in the country are the Sunday Nation,
the Daily Nation, the Standard, the Star and the People.
With the devolution of power, there is a growing need for local newspapers that
cover local issues. So far, most of the weeklies are playing this role, with some
publishing in Kiswahili. Emerging newspapers promise to be more permanent
and consumer-driven, with better quality of journalism and print, compared to
politically-sponsored sporadic upshots that appear close to the election period.
Even though newspapers are widely available, they are not quite affordable.
Cover prices range from KSh20 to 50 (about US$ 0.25 to 0.62), which is more
expensive than a packet of milk at KSh40 (around US$0.5).
The country appears to be faced with a generation that is unwilling to pay for
news. To make newspapers affordable to poorer members of the community,
vendors loan out the daily edition of a publication to a reader for a few hours
at a time at a nominal amount. After reading the paper of choice, the reader
will return the paper to the vendor who will sell it or “rent it out” to another



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