recognized by the Council, and earns a living from the practice of journalism, or
any person who habitually engages in the practice of journalism and is recognised
by such by the Council.”
Yet on the ground, it is felt that Kenya has left the practice of journalism open to
anyone who wishes to join the profession.1 “If a person wants to be a journalist,
they apply for a job or just stand up and start writing.”
Once in the profession, they must also obtain accreditation from the Media
Council of Kenya to be recognised as an accredited member of the press corps.
This process is required by law. However this process has been slow since 2008
due to lack of capacity of the Media Council to do the accreditation across the
country. The application for accreditation is made by the media house and costs
KSh2000 (about US$25) annually. Individual journalists, including freelancers can
seek direct accreditation with the Council without waiting for the media houses
to apply for them. The media council has also opened accreditation to studentjournalists.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.5 (2005 = 5.0, 2007 = 5.0, 2009 = 3.8)

1.7 Confidential sources of information are protected
by law and/or the courts.
The Media Act of 2007 talks of the need to respect confidential sources of
information but in general their protection is not guaranteed. It is commonplace
for the police to harass journalists to reveal their sources.
“The court does not feel an obligation to help [journalists] protect their sources.”
However there is the Witness Protection Act (2006, amended 2010), which is
often extended to journalists’ sources of information, but technically only protects
people who agree to be state witnesses.


The Panellists felt that the requirements are not strictly applied and that in practice journalists could enter into the
profession without restrictions.



Select target paragraph3