na-based INK Centre for Investigative
Journalism joined the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) in the
fine combing of the documents from the
In September, a joint two-month investigation by the Botswana Gazette newspaper and the INK Centre uncovered the
existence of a mystery institution issuing
fake university degrees, including to two
lecturers in Botswana. The institution,
the New World Mission Dunamis International University, claims to be based
in the Cape Province in South Africa,
but no records could confirm its existence.
INK was founded in 2015, “to develop
investigative journalism in the public
interest essential in promoting an open,
accountable and just democracy”. The
Centre also supports local investigative journalists with professional and
financial assistance. In 2016 INK was
accused of being in the pay of the CIA
through the Open Society Initiative and
USAID. Foreign funding accounts for 90
per cent of the centre’s income. Alvin
Ntibinyane of the INK Centre bemoaned
the fact that the attacks were not by government but from other newspapers. On
a more pleasant note, Lawrence Seretse
of the Botswana Gazette, made it to the
finals of the CNN MultiChoice African
Journalist Awards, which saw a record
number of applicants - 1637 from 38

So This is Democracy? 2016


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