Future Opportunities of AI in Africa
McKinsey & Company’s analysis states that by 2030, AI has the potential of adding a substantial
amount of USD 15.7 trillion to the global economy, with Africa alone generating almost USD
$1.2 trillion. By 2030, Africa’s GDP is projected to have a growth of 5.6%.
The AI market in Southern African region is expected to continue to experience significant
growth and development until 2030 according to Satista.com, driven by increasing adoption
of AI technologies across industries, advancements in AI algorithms and infrastructure,
and growing investment in AI research and development. The market is expected to see
continued innovation and expansion, with AI becoming an increasingly integral part of
business operations and consumer-facing applications.
The AI market in Southern Africa is expected to continue to experience significant growth
and development until 2030, AI technology adoption across industries, advancements in AI
algorithms and infrastructure, and growing investment in AI research and development
according to Satista.com data15. The market is expected to see continued innovation and
expansion, with AI becoming an increasingly integral part of business operations and
consumer-facing applications. The data from Statista, shows increase in machine learning.

Figure 9

AI has the potential to offer several options for Southern Africa, such as:


Improving productivity and effectiveness: AI has the potential to automate repetitive
work, optimise operations, and enhance human abilities in several industries. This


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