AI Report on Southern Africa

AI use cases in Southern Africa in Media
Internews Network Zambia investigated the title: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Adoption by
Journalists in Zambia Survey Report, into the use of AI tools by journalists in Zambia toward
the end of 20238. According to the study, 60% of journalists surveyed have implemented
generative AI tools in their newsrooms, with the most used AI tools being generative AI, such
as chatbots or conversational AI tools. The study also reveals that AI tools have improved
the efficiency of newsroom operations, although some respondents found the integration
process challenging.
One of the study’s recommendations is that media houses should provide adequate training
to their staff to ensure a smooth transition to using AI tools and develop AI policy to ensure its
ethical use. Media houses should use AI tools thoughtfully and supplement them with human
judgement and expertise to ensure that their stories accurately represent the communities
they serve.
The report revealed that in Zambia:
● 60% of journalists are using AI tools
● 74% of journalists yet to receive AI training
● 85% of newsrooms do not have AI policies

● 75% do not perceive AI as a threat to their job

In Zimbabwe, The Centre for Innovation and Technology (CITE), located in Bulawayo, was
the focal point of discussions during the meeting in Bulawayo, with its AI innovations taking
centre stage. CITE is at the forefront of incorporating AI technologies into their newsrooms
compared to other media organisations. A CITE representative at the Bulawayo meeting
highlighted their utilisation of AI in journalism, highlighting its potential to aid journalists
in various tasks, including content creation, fact-checking, tailoring content to specific
audiences, categorisation, and data analysis.
CITE started using AI on May 7, 2023, when they introduced an AI newsreader named
Alice. This implementation aims to enhance the delivery of news and increase audience
engagement. Alice is highly esteemed among Zimbabwean social media audiences. Alice was
featured in online broadcasts during the election coverage, hosting the Meet Your Candidate
series and delivering the daily The Brief news bulletin. The National University of Science
and Technology (NUST) participants at the meeting said it was commendable to see CITE
following in the footsteps of countries such as China, regarded as the first country to unveil
AI in newsrooms.
From an analysis of AI uses in the region, AI use rapidly expands, with several key trends
identified. User cases were analysed in terms of the type of AI technologies they were using
or developing, and functional AI was the most common AI type found.

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