MISA Regional Annual Report 2023

Regional Director’s Report
Expression in the Age of Fragmentation
The world is more fragmented today than ever.
Strife is more pronounced at a global scale,
with conflicts degenerating to armed conflict.
The number of people living in fragile states is
perpetually on the increase, while more people
are facing starvation due to climate changeinduced famine.
Extremism is on the rise, as much as the rightwing thinking polity which has swept across
Europe, including the traditionally left-wing in
countries such as Sweden.
Regional Secretariat Director
Dr Tabani Moyo


collaboration and solidarity
will become the most
strategic and responsive
mechanisms for defending
expression, which is
increasingly under attack
from moving targets

The global order has shown beyond doubt that
the collective approach to conflict resolution
is increasingly under strain, with the global
leadership generally on retreat.
In these precarious conditions, expression and
truth-telling are the first layers of casualty, as
nations recoil, become inward looking, focusing
on narrow national issues at the expense of a
holistic picture. Suffice to say the entire construct
of humanity is highly vulnerable due to such
inward-looking approaches.
Fragmentation at a global scale is a fertile
ground for broad, dwindling support to issues of
governance and humanity.
MISA believes collaboration and solidarity
will become the most strategic and responsive
mechanisms for defending expression, which is
increasingly under attack from moving targets.
This raises the need to attend to the elephant
in the room within the developmental and
governance support ecosystem – the power



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