MISA Regional Annual Report 2023

Before that, the authority also cautioned the
radio station against allowing guests to use
unpalatable language on air after the guest
made some disparaging remarks against the
government. MISA Zambia fears that such
actions are tantamount to censorship.

NAPSA lost four months’ worth of data after
hackers compromised their system. It said
the hackers had introduced malware onto
the NAPSA website, stealing a substantial
amount of data and causing disruptions in
the organisation’s work.

On the digital rights front, the Zambia
Information and Communications
Technology Authority (ZICTA), asked the High
Court not to entertain a lawsuit regarding
capturing facial images when registering SIM
cards. Chapter One Foundation and Bloggers
of Zambia applied to the court to stop taking
facial images during SIM card registration.

The article in News Diggers said the Bank
of Zambia (BoZ) ‘s social media platforms,
WhatsApp and Facebook, were hacked. It
added that the BoZ Facebook cover page was
replaced with a lewd photograph.

ZICTA had directed that all mobile network
operators must ensure that all new SIM card
registrations and replacements conducted
from September 1, 2019, should include facial
images and identification of the applicant.
Furthermore, the directive was that all SIM
registrations completed on or before August
30, 2019, including historical SIM card
registrations, be updated with such facial
photographs by December 31, 2022, as a
precondition for the registration of SIM
ZICTA said the directives were meant to
enhance the protection of consumers from
fraudulent activities that were taking place
because of inadequacies in identification or
clarity of identities of persons that obtained
SIM cards. The matter is still before the
There was also increased concern about the
number of cyber-attacks, especially among
financial service entities such as the Bank
of Zambia (BoZ) and the National Pensions
Scheme Authority (NAPSA).
According to an opinion piece by News
Diggers on July 27, 2023, a month earlier,

Country Reports Snapshots

The newspaper article questioned ZICTA’s
silence on the matter because it is mandated
to ensure citizens’ online data is protected,
including their right to access a secure
cyberspace. These attacks have a bearing
on MISA Zambia’s quest to promote digital
rights because such cases can encourage
policymakers to enact tougher cyber laws
that could further impact freedom of
expression online.
On a positive note, and in a move that
could help end impunity for crimes against
journalists, police in Lusaka formally
arrested and charged Chiengi Independent
Member of Parliament Given Katuta in late
August 2023 with threatening violence.
Katuta allegedly spat on a photojournalist
shortly after she was suspended and ordered
to leave the National Assembly by Speaker
Nelly Mutti.
On her way out, a journalist began to take
photographs of her. This irritated her and
she started screaming at the journalist, spat
in his face and manhandled him with the
help of another Member of Parliament. She
also forced him to delete the pictures he had
taken of her.
IBA granted a radio broadcasting licence
to the Catholic Diocese of Mpika. This
development brought the total number of
Catholic-owned radio stations in Zambia


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