MISA Regional Annual Report 2023

Chairperson’s Report
The year under review reinforced and
reinvigorated our belief that organisations such
as ours are of vital importance in our region
today more than ever before.
We can proudly state that this comes when the
Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) brand
grows bigger and stronger as we continue to cast
our nets deeper and wider. The key lesson is that
working in silos will only make us weaker and
less effective.

MISA Regional Governing Council
Golden Maunganidze


We can proudly state
that this comes when the
Media Institute of Southern
Africa (MISA) brand grows
bigger and stronger as we
continue to cast our nets
deeper and wider. The
key lesson is that working
in silos will only make us
weaker and less effective.

This lesson has helped us reinforce and
strengthen our thought-leadership position. It
assisted like-minded organisations in coming
together under the auspices of the Spaces of
Solidarity (SOS), where we managed to review
stakeholder needs within our region regularly.
Inspired by our 2021-2026 Strategy, which serves
as our operational manual, we achieved more
than anticipated within one year. Our footprints
are visible in all the member countries where
MISA is an outstanding pillar standing firm in the
defence of free expression.
Our deliberate and well-coordinated
interventions and calculated efforts to allow
MISA regional Chapters to speak to each other
have hugely helped us confront, with much
energy and tact, the “elephant in the room,”
which is attacks on freedom of expression.
Suffice to say, we remain a credible and
legitimate shield of expression in the region.
As they say, borne out of African realities,
organically, we remain the boots on the ground
with by far the biggest in-country presence than
any organisation in Southern Africa.
Our interventions are not confrontational but
based on evidence-based advocacy. This requires



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