Country Reports Snapshots

While local stakeholders feel that this is
a positive development, they still believe
that more is needed for Tanzania to be
considered to have truly turned the corner
in improving the operating environment.
The new law still contains provisions that
criminalise “sedition”, raising fears that
authorities could take advantage of these
provisions to censor the media, and this
also inculcates a culture of self-censorship.

that sustain advocacy efforts for improved
media laws. For this reason, MISA Tanzania
needs to come up with better approaches
when it comes to advocacy and continue
pushing for a better freedom of expression
environment, as the reforms that have
been implemented so far still need to be

MISA Tanzania and the CORI Coalition will
prioritise advocacy on law reform, press
freedom and access to information, as the
situation in the civic space and media needs
more effort. In line with the proposed
changes, there is a need to review other
existing laws, such as the Electronic and
Postal Communications Act (EPOCA) and
the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act,
to eliminate provisions incompatible with
the effective protection and promotion of
freedom of expression. There is also a need
to amend the Prison Act of 1976, hindering
access to information.

In 2023, MISA Tanzania continued to work
closely with existing partners and funders,
as highlighted below:

The government, through the Minister
of Information, Communication and
Information Technology, Nape Nnauye,
has outlined plans to consolidate the Media
Services Act and Electronic and Postal
Communication Act 2010 (MSA 2016 and
EPOCA 2010) into one law to facilitate
effective sector coordination and unity
among stakeholders in print, electronic,
and social media.
Furthermore, the government plans
to merge legislation about media and
broadcasting issues. Media stakeholders
will align their advocacy agendas to
contribute to the reform agenda.
There is also a need for media development
partners to ensure they support initiatives


Projects and activities

International Media Support (IMS)
IMS has been working with MISA Tanzania
in building civil society’s capacity and
participation in advocacy on media
policy, citizen access to information and
fundamental freedom project.
Finnish Foundation for Media and
Development (VIKES)
MISA Tanzania is working with VIKES to
implement the Women in Media project
that promotes a diverse and pluralistic
media environment for women journalists.
This entails changing the societal roles and
attributes that perpetuate and reinforce
gender inequalities in the media through
advocacy and lobby strategies and capacitybuilding training. The project focuses on
the training and empowerment of women
journalists in Tanzania. One of the project’s
key activities was to train 150 women
journalists in various areas of journalism to
enhance their skills and employability.
American Bar Association. (ABA ROLI)
MISA Tanzania implemented a project
promoting freedom of expression, rule of
law and access to justice in Tanzania.

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