Country Reports Snapshots

of freedom of expression in Mozambique.
On the other hand, the 2023-2024 election
season, with local elections in 2023 and
general elections in 2024, poses big
challenges for journalists since political
tensions rise in the country, leading to
press freedom violations.

distribution of airtime (on public radio
and television channels) to political parties
and their members and the fact-checking
initiative to counter disinformation during
the election, MISA Mozambique was
responsible for media and communicationrelated issues in the consortium.


Thanks to this role played by the
consortium, including the visibility
guaranteed by MISA Mozambique, the
consortium received an honourable
mention by SAVANA, the oldest private
newspaper and one of the most prestigious
in Mozambique, as one of the key actors in
the country in 2023.

In 2022, Profundus newspaper, based in
Nhamatanda District, Manica Province, was
robbed of its equipment. Since then, MISA
Mozambique has provided legal assistance
to the publication to ensure that the
perpetrators are brought to justice. In 2023,
the head of the gang that robbed Profundus
was finally convicted of the crime.

MISA Mozambique regional collaborations

After an arson attack on the premises of
Radio Chuabo FM, Txopela newspaper,
and the online Zambézia 24 Hours, MISA
Mozambique launched a fundraising
campaign to reconstruct the building. As a
result, 75 percent of the required material
was procured.

MISA Mozambique is working closely with
MISA Regional on re-establishing the MISA
AngolaChapter. Establishing MISA Angola is
a priority for MISA Mozambique and MISA

The rehabilitation of the offices and
editorial offices has already been
completed.On 3 May 2023, MISA
Mozambique announced that Radio Chuabo
FM would resume broadcasting only two
months after the arson attack. Txopela
newspaper and Zambezia 24 Hours are also
back in operation.

The re-establishment of MISA Angola
is with the support of the National
Endowment forDemocracy (NED) under a
project called Promotion of Press Freedom
and Right to Information in Mozambique
and Angola.

The “More Integrity” Consortium, of which
MISA Mozambique is a member, played a
critical role in monitoring, documenting,
and reporting developments during the
2023 local government elections.
Apart from monitoring access to
information, media coverage, and
compliance with electoral law in the


Regional, as it will protect freedom of
expression and press freedom in the region.

MISA Mozambique is also implementing
a Digital Rights, Digital Identity and Data
Protection project in partnership with
Internews. Under the Internews project,
MISA Mozambique is working with The
Collaboration on International ICT Policy
for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) to
build capacity in digital rights advocacy
and campaigning approaches.

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