Country Reports Snapshots

organised a digital rights and safety event. The Namibia Media Trust supported the event.
The initiative aimed to empower and educate local leaders on the crucial intersection of
technology and human rights.
World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) - May 2023
Breaking new ground, MISA Botswana commemorated WPFD in two cities, Gaborone and
Francistown. The multi-day programme entailed public debates and marches by media
workers, activists, and supporters, culminating in the main commemoration event officiated
by Vice President Slumber Tsogwane.
Board Induction and Office Opening - September 2023
In September, MISA Botswana initiated an extensive board induction facilitated by the MISA
Regional Office. Simultaneously, the organisation moved to a new office and appointed a
Projects Manager, Pamela Dube, to assist the acting National Director, Boitumelo Kgalushi, in
establishing and rejuvenating the secretariat.
‘Mafako a Kgotla’ Panel Discussion - September 28, 2023
MISA Botswana hosted a thought-provoking panel discussion titled Mafako a Kgotla, focusing
on the role of media in a democracy under the theme Batswana Talk Democracy—Botswana
at 57! How effective has the media been as a tool in enriching Botswana’s Democracy? The
event was supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES).
October and December Initiatives

FES supported media training workshops on Gender and Elections in Gaborone and
Cybersecurity and Digital Surveillance in Botswana training, supported by Internews.
Roundtable on Media Response to GBV as part of the 16 Days of Activism against GenderBased Violence, funded by DeBeers. MISA plans to continue this series with topical
debates and roundtables under the tagline “MISA Talks”.

2024 Plans



MISA Botswana is in the final stages of regularising its registration for 2024.
Hosting a digital rights and safety workshop for civil society actors and media rights
Hosting a digital rights and safety workshop for policymakers and officials.
MISA Botswana is actively engaging partners and funders for a series of programmes
related to the upcoming elections, demonstrating our commitment to fostering a vibrant
and informed democratic landscape.
MISA Botswana will host a golf day as part of its fundraising initiatives

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