3.2.1. Access to Information

In the quarter under review, there was no significant progress on enactment of a law on Access
to Information while the substantive session of parliament focused on estimates and
expenditure. The status of ATI in the fourth quarter was no different from that recorded in the
third quarter.
There were, however, positive pronouncements such as one made by the Information and
Media Minister indicating government’s intention to present three Bills to Parliament, among
them Access to Information in 2022 24. This is a positive step as it gives an affirmation of
government’s commitment and resolve on the ATI Bill.
In the past decade, however, there have been several such pronouncements by government
indicating intention to present and enact the ATI Bill into law but in vain. It is, therefore,
important for clear steps to be undertaken beyond mere pronouncements. These could include
the publication of the Draft ATI Bill and a roadmap for public consideration.

MISA Zambia Chairperson Rev. Fr. Barnabas Simatende OMI, PhD during an engagement meeting with
Minister of Information and Media Hon. Chushi Kasanda.- Picture source - Ministry of Information and Media


As reported in News Diggers Newspaper on 26th November.


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