
Legal Environment

There were notable developments in the legal environment that could have a significant effect
on the media landscape.
During the quarter under review, on 18th November, the Technical Working Group on MediaSelf Regulation (TWGMR) presented the draft Zambia Media Council (ZAMEC) Bill to the
Minister of Information and Media. The following press release was issued by the Ministry of
The Technical Working Group on media self-regulation has, today, presented the
Zambia Media Council (ZAMEC) Bill to the Minister of Information and Media, Chushi
Kasanda. The Technical Working Group comprises members from diverse media
They include Zambia Union of Journalists (ZUJ), Bloggers Association of Zambia,
Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA – Zambia), Zambia Media Women
Association (ZAMWA) and the Media Liaison Committee. Others are Press Association
of Zambia (PAZA), BBC Media Action, Zambia Institute of Independent Media Alliance
(ZIIMA), Zambia Union of Broadcasters and other Information Disseminators
(ZUBID) and Free Press Initiative (FPI) Zambia.
Media Liaison Committee Chairperson Enock Ngoma presented the draft Bill on behalf
of the Technical Working Group to Ms. Kasanda, at a ceremony held at the Ministry of
Information and Media in Lusaka, today. And speaking when she received the draft
Bill, Ms. Kasanda said the presentation of the Bill to Government represents
tremendous progress towards the enactment of the Bill.
She said the Bill is important to Government and journalists because, once enacted, it
will promote professionalism and restore public confidence in the media industry. Ms.
Kasanda said her Ministry will now escalate the Bill to other relevant levels for
consideration before it can finally be tabled in Parliament.
“I am happy to receive the ZAMEC draft Bill which represents tremendous progress
towards the enactment of the Bill. I commend you for the commitment and unity you
have shown in this process,” she said. Ms. Kasanda, who is also Chief Government
Spokesperson, said Government has focused on Access to Information, media-Self
regulation and editorial independence in its media development agenda.

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