SECTOR 3 3.5 Office bearers with the state and political parties, as well as those with a financial interest in the broadcasting industry, are excluded from possible membership on the board of the state/public broadcaster. Office bearers in state and political parties, as well as those with financial interests in the industry are not barred from being board members of the MBC. The previous chairman of the MBC owned his own advertising agency, presenting a clear conflict of interest. His agency was awarded numerous advertising contracts by the MBC. At one point, MBC staff would use the organisations’ equipment to develop productions, and would then sell these to the MBC as independent local productions. This practice was discovered and staff members were suspended. Conflict of interest is disregarded during the appointment of board members or organisational heads. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 1.5 (2008 = 2.3) 3.6 The editorial independence of the state/public broadcaster from political influence is guaranteed by law and practised. The MBC Act guarantees editorial independence. In practice, however, the news is heavily influenced by the government in power. Since key appointments are determined by the PM, the people selected to these positions are clearly aware of where their loyalties have to lie and what their obligations are. 42 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER MAURITIUS 2010