complaints forward to the Commission. It is not involved in independently going
out to investigate cases.
Currently there are two major print media companies - La Sentinelle and Le Defi
- that publish numerous titles between them. In 2004, the two companies fought
a battle for an independent Sunday weekly called Le Dieu. La Sentinelle came
out tops, buying the title for 12 million rupees. In addition to their print media
holdings, the two companies also each have a share in different radio stations
(Mauritian law allows print media companies to own a maximum of 20 percent
shares in a private radio station).
In the last two years there, a new big player has entered the media landscape.
The well resourced British American Insurance has already bought three existing
titles, and recently launched an internet based newspaper called NewsNow. Two
of the publications have remained the same in look and content, but Impact has
evolved into a Mauritian version of Newsweek, dealing with national issues. British
American Insurance also plans on launching a new daily.
The tug of war between the three conglomerates is indicative of their growth
through the acquisition of small independent publications. One panellist pointed
out that “There is a lot going on in Mauritius – there is construction, investment
and many other things. Whoever is in control of information is in control of these
many things.”
This can be viewed as a potential threat to freedom of expression because in the
next five to ten years, if this trend continues, most publications will not be able to
write against the private sector even if their business ventures have a detrimental
impact on the general public. The concentration of media products in the hands of
a few could sound the death knell for independent journalism.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

1.9 (2008 = 2.2)



Select target paragraph3