Description of Assessment Criteria
The total number of points allocated to categories 1 and 2 is 20
points (n = 20) each. Points are awarded based on the researcher’s
answer: Yes (2 points); Partial (1 point); No (0 points). Government
ministries and institutions fell into one of the following groups in
accordance with the number of points that they received.
Category 1: Website Analysis
Group 1: (0 – 6) Absence of a website or an extremely poor
website containing no or almost no relevant public information.
Group 2: (7 – 13) Average website containing some relevant
public information.
Group 3: (14 – 20) Well organised, transparent website
providing a good amount of relevant public information.
Category 2: Written Request/Oral Request
Group 1: (0 – 6) Denied access to reasonable information
request or acted with high levels of secrecy.
Group 2: (7 – 13) Displayed an average level of openness in
allowing access to public information.
Group 3: (14 – 20) Displayed openness in allowing access to
public information. Institution was helpful and transparent.

Category 1: Website Analysis
Three out of the eight institutions surveyed have independent
websites. The Office of the Prime Minster, the Ministry of Energy,
Meteorology and Water Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs
did not have independent websites, but there is some information
posted on the website of the Government of Lesotho. The Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences and the Lesotho
National Dairy Board did not have websites at all.

Category 2: Requests for Information
The Lesotho National Dairy Board and the Office of the Ombudsman were the most cooperative institutions. The Ministry of Energy, Meteorology and Water Affairs scored the least points in this
category. The ministry does not even have an officer designated
for information dissemination.


Select target paragraph3