improving media freedom in southern Africa

MISA working to make southern Africa a more
conducive environment for media freedom
When it comes to journalist safety, many organisations offer
journalists and media workers practical tools, guidance and services
to help them protect themselves and ensure their physical safety.
MISA’s work focuses on making sustainable, lasting changes to the
media landscape in the southern Africa region that will make our
countries safer places for journalists to work and more conducive
for media freedom and freedom of expression.
For the past 20 years, MISA has been the primary advocate for
media freedom and freedom of expression in the southern Africa
region. Today, we continue to advocate for and promote journalist
safety and journalist’s rights through:
• Advocating for changes to restrictive laws;
• Advocating for development of positive legislation, such as
access to information laws;
• Publishing media violation alerts;
• Researching and publishing reports on media violations and the
state of the media environment in southern African countries;
• Work of individual country chapters; and
• Training, workshops and publications.


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