
Grassroots mobilisation in the southern African region on the impact of the
MPA. MISA Regional should co-ordinate a strategy to get support from
outside Botswana but within the continent especially with regional bodies
such as the AU and SADC, to sustain pressure on government to revoke
repressive laws, such as the MPA. Teams of three (a media practitioner,
publisher and lawyer, all from Botswana) should simultaneously conduct
press conferences in countries in the region and ensure they have maximum
print and broadcast coverage.


Ensure sustainability of the self-regulatory body - the Press Council of
Botswana – PCB. PCB members planned to meet on June 20, 2009 to
discuss strategies to keep the council alive. Members can assist by making
the pubic more aware of what the council does by increasing its media
coverage and building up a profile of the PCB New funding strategies
should be sought, based on alliances within the media sector. Building
alliances could also help rebuild the trust within the media fraternity.
The Press Council should be highlighted as a means of independently
safeguarding the interests of all those working in the media sector.


Use the Botswana AMB Report 2009 for advocacy. MISA Botswana can
assist in terms of finances and organising a national launch in Gaborone
in August, officiated by panellist Mr. Modise Maphanyane, with the rest
of the panel in attendance. The report should then be launched by the
panellists in different regions and ‘workshopped’, targeting specific interest
groups and specific interests, such as freedom of expression.

The panel meeting took place at Motse Lodge, Kanye, from May 30-31, 2009.

The Panel:

Ms. Pamela Dube, Editor; Mr. Justing Hunyepa, Educationist/Trade Unionist;
Ms. Jacqueline Kabeta, Media Trainer; Mr. Modise Maphanyane, Media and
Human Rights Consultant; Ms. Maungo Mooki, Gender Activist; Mr. Sello
Motseta, Journalist; Mr. Uyapo Ndadi, Human Rights Lawyer; Ms. Clara Olsen,
Publisher; Mr. Kgosi Seitshiro, Designer

The Rapporteur:
Ms Sarah Taylor

The Facilitator:
Ms Reyhana Masters



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