SECTOR 3 for the media) shall appoint the NBB’s 11 members, comprising an officer from the Office of the President; an officer from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry; an officer from the Department of Cultural and Social Welfare in the Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs; a representative of the Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA), as well as “seven persons, one of whom shall be designated Chairman of the Board, appointed from a list of 10 candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee”. This committee consists of a member of the Law Society of Botswana; the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Botswana or his or her nominee; and a representative of the Office of the President. The committee could be seen to be biased towards government “There is a semblance of transparency in the appointment of the board, but in the final analysis, the government has a stranglehold over the NBB.” The board’s chairperson is appointed by the Minister of Communications, Science and Technology and the BTA functions as the secretariat to the board. “There is a semblance of transparency in the appointment of the board, but in the final analysis, the government has a stranglehold over the NBB.” Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator. 3 Country meets many aspects of indicator but progress may be too recent to judge. 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has been doing so over time. Average score: 44 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER BOTSWANA 2009 1 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a)