The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet) is accessible and affordable to
There are two daily newspapers in Botswana – the state-owned, free Daily
News (with a national circulation of 65,000), published by the Department of
Information Services at the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology,
and Mmegi (with a circulation of between 11,000 and 22,400).
There are 11 private weekly newspapers in Botswana – the Botswana Gazette,
Botswana Guardian, Echo, Midweek Sun, The Mirror, Monitor, Ngami Times,
Sunday Standard, Sunday Tribune, The Voice and Blue Jacket News. Most of these
newspapers are national, while others, such as Francistown’s Blue Jacket News, are
limited to specific locations. The newspapers have circulations ranging between
8,000 (Sunday Tribune) and 30,000 (The Voice).12
The Tswana Times is a fortnightly private newspaper with a print run of 5,000.
Other private newspapers include the monthly Economic Express and The
Independent Informer which are published erratically.
There are a number of local magazines, including the environmentally focussed
Wena, Hotel and Tourism, the youth publication Lapologa, a farmers’ magazine
and the contemporary magazine, Kutlwano, which is published by the Ministry
of Communications, Science and Technology. Many Botswana magazines are
published infrequently.
At an average of P4 per newspaper, it was felt that newspapers were not affordable
to ordinary citizens in a country where a loaf of bread costs about P6.
Access to print media in rural areas is a huge challenge as the country is relatively
large at 600,370 square kilometres13 (about the size of France or Kenya) but the
12 Circulation figures obtained from So This is Democracy: State of media freedom in southern Africa 2008,
Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), Windhoek, 2009 and panelists’ input



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