SECTOR 1 1.4 Government makes every effort to honour regional and international instruments on freedom of expression and the media. Analysis: The Botswana government does not appear to honour regional and international instruments on freedom of expression and the media. “Once the government has ratified such international conventions, it is not legally bound by them in the Constitution. Even government officials are not aware of these international treaties.” An indication of the lack of commitment on the part of the Botswana government to such agreements is that it is very lax in submitting reports in terms of the United Nations Conventions to which it is party, often failing to do so at all. “Even government officials are not aware of these international treaties.” “If such instruments are mentioned in court, lawyers are shot down and told: ‘That is not law in Botswana.’ We cannot rely on these documents, so what is the point of the government signing them? Is it just so Botswana looks good ‘out there’?” It was noted that the executive in Botswana is very powerful and operates in a distant manner, often signing such agreements without informing MPs. As such, the executive operates as if it is not accountable. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator. 3 Country meets many aspects of indicator but progress may be too recent to judge. 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has been doing so over time. Average score: 16 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER BOTSWANA 2009 1.3 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a)