Due to the above, the people of Macha through their area councilor have been
complaining that they have not received the equipment and this Prompted
Gilbert Simaanzi to follow up the issue with the Choma Mayor to know when
exactly the equipment would be delivered.
However, during the interview, the Mayor verbally harassed the journalist and
questioned his professionalism as evidenced in the audio sent by the victim.
Alert-12th June 2020 (MISA)
On 10th June 2020 MISA Zambia received a report of journalist Jajah
Coulibally’s summon by Kabwe Central Police to appear for investigations of
an unknown case.
Following this, MISA Zambia made follow-up with Mr. Coulibally to ascertain
the case he was being summoned for. He confirmed his summon but did not
know the details of the investigations but rather suspected it for a defamation
case. Further to this, a follow-up was made with Central Province Police
Commissioner Chola Katanga who confirmed the summon but could not give
details pertaining the summon.
Alert Update-16th June (Lusaka Times)
News Diggers Newspaper has written to Chief Government spokesperson Dora
Siliya acknowledging receipt of her letter dated 12 June 2020 in which she as
Minister of Information and Broadcasting expressed concern over what she
termed as the use of derogatory word “Stupid” in the newspaper editorial
Managing Director Joseph Mwenda expressed gratitude to the Minister that
she reached out to the Newspaper to express her concern and to offer her
advice on behalf of the government. Mr Mwenda said dialogue is extremely
important between the ministry that she heads and media houses.
Alert-17th June (News Diggers)
SUSPECTED ruling Patriotic Front cadres on Monday evening disrupted a live
telephone interview at Kwenje Radio featuring opposition UPND leader
Hakainde Hichilema by tempering with the power supply system.
The live transmission of Hichilema’s interview was cut mid-way, about 50
minutes into the programme. The opposition leader, however, continued with
the phone interview which was recorded for airing at a later time. He thanked
the UPND youths in Chama who protected staff at Kwenje radio from
“Under the UPND government, no opposition party will be made to endure
such measures, just to be able to enjoy their democratic rights. The culture
of thuggery and intolerance will end with our government,” stated Hichilema
in a Facebook post shortly after the disruption.
Communique-22nd June (MIBS Facebook Page)
Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos
Malupenga has challenged the media to play an active role in building and
sustaining peace and co-existence in the country.
pg. 61

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