Alert-7th February (Times of Zambia)
Information and Broadcasting Minister Dora Siliya says Zambia National
Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) and other state owned enterprises have to
take the tough decisions to live within their means.
“Government in the last year has been very categorical in saying that state
enterprises have no excuse in operating beyond their means. What we hope
for from state enterprise is that if they can’t provide dividend to Government
at least they can operate within their means because even us as a Ministry
and within Government are experiencing austerity,” Ms Siliya said.
She was speaking when she met the board of directors of the Zambia National
Broadcasting Corporation at her office. Ms Siliya reminded them of the
strategic role of ZNBC in ensuring the public is well informed, especially in
the face challenges presented by social media abuse.
The Minister said it was important for traditional media in the age of fake
news to maintain standards as a reference point of excellence and credibility.
Ms Siliya said ZNBC was special because it was the broadcasting station with
the widest coverage in Zambia mandated to explain to the public how
Government spent resources.
Alert-10th February (Zambia Daily Mail)
The media should be responsible and avoid biased reporting because it has
potential to cause unrest in the country, Patriotic Front (PF) national
mobilization committee member Bizwell Mutale has said.
Mr Mutale said Journalists should not allow opposition political parties to use
them to disseminate false information which can cause anarchy in Zambia.
He said it is unfortunate that his message of unity, when he went to Pemba,
southern province, to distribute 17,000 bags of mealie meal to venerable
people, was changed into tribal remarks.
Alert-10th March (Radio Mano)
On 10th March, 2020, MISA Zambia received a report from the Radio Mano
station Manager Kennedy Mbulo that he received a letter from Legal Aid Board
demanding for retraction of statement for defamation of Mwansa Kapyanga.
The facts of the matter are that on the 7th March, 2020 Radio Mano aired a
program from 08:00-09:00hrs hosted by Mr. Mwandu Jimmy and the guest
was Mr.Micheal Bwalya Chiponda. On the said pogramme the legal Aid said,
false and defamatory statements were uttered against Mr. Mwansa Kapyanga,
who is currently contesting for Football Association of Zambia Provincial
Chairperson for Northern Province.
Alert-11th February (News Diggers)

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